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  • I have never taken a class before, where do I begin?
    Everyone's journey begins at Intro to Pole. This is a 5 week series that meets 2 x per week. Hesitant to commit? Take a Pole Basics taster class. This is a 60 minute sampling of our 5 week Intro to Pole series. You may also drop in to one of our many beginner pole Specialty classes, including Movement Sanctuary: A low impact, open to anyone, no experience necessary somatic movement class. We also offer yoga and other strength and flexibility training classes off the pole to prepare your body for more fun to come!
  • It's my first time, what do I wear?
    For most pole classes you will need to wear shorts so that you can use the skin on your legs to grip the pole. You should also wear a top that you are comfortable exercising in. Tank top or a sports bra is ideal. Definitely nothing with snaps or buttons (it can scratch the surface of the pole losing the shiny finish). Most of all, wear what you feel most confident in! Although access to skin helps with sticking to the pole (and many dancers tend to decrease the amount of fabric in their outfits as they progress to access more skin for grip) many pole clothing companies sell "sticky" pole attire if you prefer to stay covered up.
  • Do I have to have upper body strength, be fit, be flexible?
    Pole sport is suitable for individuals at any level of fitness. Starting from the basics, we will guide you step by step, gradually improving your strength and conditioning.
  • Am I too old, too big, too out of shape, too inflexible to take pole??
    Absolutely not! A lot of times, these descriptors are simply fallacies we tell ourselves to avoid being vulnerable and trying new things. Maybe we're afraid of failure or standing out or think that if we can't DO something it makes us less than. That couldn't be further from the truth. Pole dancing is a beautiful sport for EVERYbody, and it's never too late to start. The pole community is one of the most inclusive, supportive, and judgement-free groups out there. No matter where you are when you begin, progress will follow as long as you're showing up and enjoying the process.
  • Is Pole safe?
    Performing pole skills/tricks can be a high-risk physical activity that should not be underestimated. However, safety is always our top priority during classes. We start by strengthening and conditioning your body to ensure that when the time comes to perform a certain move, your body is prepared. We also focus on teaching you the correct techniques and body mechanics, as well as providing support in the form of physical spotting every step along your journey, minimizing the risk of injuries. Additionally, we have crash mats available in the studio for moves where you feel a little less confident. Alternatively, we offer a variety of other classes that are not skills/tricks based, if you find that form of pole maybe isn't your thing right now.
  • How often should I take class?
    Students are more likely to succeed in pole when they learn sequentially and systematically with a regular training schedule. It gives the body an opportunity to build the endurance, strength and pain tolerance needed in a safe and structured environment. Therefore, we recommend taking classes at 2x per week for a consecutive 5 weeks or more.
  • What are all those bruises I always hear about?
    Bruises, also known as "pole kisses" are very common for pole dancers, especially in the early stages of training. They occur at the contact points where the skin touches the pole. With regular practice and continued conditioning and strength building, you will gradually adapt and find they happen less frequently. They are often seen as a badge of honor among the pole community.
  • Do I have to wear those MONSTER heels?
    Only if you want to! All of our Progressive Level classes are taught barefoot. When most people hear pole dancing they tend to think of strip clubs. While the sensual side is still very present there are actually three main branches of pole dancing; Sport, Art and Sexy. We have classes available to express each of those! Heels are a culture of their own and can be super fun. If you're unsure, pop into one of our Intro to Heels classes or sign up for a beginner choreo to see what they're all about.
  • I'm shy and worried I will feel too awkward in class...
    Dont be worried! Pole is one of the most supportive and uplifting communities out there. You wont just leave with a good workout, you might also leave with new friends! Come in and try a class, if its too uncomfortable you can always look into Private Lessons or Semi-Privates with friend!
  • Why are my hands always so slippery?
    GRIP STRENGTH is crucial, requires a lot of practice, and builds over time. You can try to improve your grip strength by exercising with different hand strengthening tools. Use of a hand gripper also strengthens the wrists, which is very important for pole. SWEATY HANDS can be a significant issue for many. It is good a first to practice with sweaty hands because it helps you build that grip strength we were talking about. However, wet palms do become a hindrance when you get to more challenging tricks which is why we have grip aids available for purchase that are designed for pole dancing.
  • Can Pole replace my usual fitness routine?
    Absolutely! Pole progressive level training engages almost all muscle and fascia groups, as well as cardio, providing a comprehensive workout.
  • I have taken a class before, where should I start?
    Check our level prerequisites. If you're still unsure, send us a message! We're happy to help.
  • Can my child/partner/cat/barista sit in the corner and watch?
    The Pod has a strict policy that the only people in the classroom be participants and instructors. While we love the idea of you sharing your passion take pictures or videos and save class time for just YOU.
  • What can I expect?
  • I'm not flexible. Can I still take pole?
    Flexibility develops through time and training. Even if you have never practiced before, you will definitely improve your flexibility and movement quality. The key is consistency in your practice!


Recordings, Photographs, & Privacy Policy

  • Students are allowed to take pictures or record themselves. Students are NOT allowed to take pictures or record videos of other students, instructors or staff without their consent. Every reasonable measure should be taken to ensure others are not in a student’s picture or video if they do not consent. 

  • Videos and photos taken on our premises at any time cannot be used to promote other businesses unless given explicit permission by The Pod Management. 

  • You may not film the entire class nor livestream or FaceTime during class.

  • Instructors have the authority to allow, or restrict, video recording or photography during their class, series, intensive, workshop, private instruction, or party for any reason at any time. 

  • If you share your photos and videos on social media, please tag us @thepodkona so we can share in your excitement!

  • Private studio rentals are available upon request for a fee for students and external clients to use for personal and commercial picture and recording purposes. Please send inquiries to

Phone Usage Policy

  • Please limit phone time during class to camera use only. If you need to make an emergency text or call, step outside to do so.

Late Policy

  • Students may not enter a class after 5 minutes of the class start time. NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are more than 5 minutes late, you will not be allowed to join the class and it will result in forfeiture of your spot. This is a safety issue and we ask that you respect both our instructors and other students by showing up on time. We are very strict about this rule.

  • Please be dressed and ready to start your session at the scheduled time. We suggest arriving a few minutes early to avoid being late.

No-Show & Cancellation Policy

  • If a student is more than 5 minutes late to class or does not show up, they will be counted as a no-show. If the class was purchased as a drop-in or part of a class pass, no credit will be given. If the student has an unlimited membership, a $10 no-show fee will apply. 

  • Students must remove themselves from classes up to 1 hour prior to class start and up to 24 hours prior to workshops, private lessons, & studio rentals if they are unable to attend.

    • Drop-in purchases: If you cancel a class at least 1 hour before class starts you will retain your class credit. If you cancel less than 1 hours before class, you will not be refunded and no credit will be returned. 

    • Class Passes: If you cancel a class at least 1 hour before class starts you will retain your class credit. If you cancel less than 1 hour before class, the credit will not be returned. 

    • Unlimited memberships: If you no-show or cancel less than 1 hour before class, a $10 fee will be charged.

    • Intro to Pole Series and Closed Choreo Classes: 

      • All classes are part of a prepaid, series package. There will be no refunds or credits for missed classes.

        • If you experience an injury or illness that keeps you from being able to attend, we offer holds on your account with a doctor's note or similar. Once you are cleared to return, you can pick up where you left off. Expires after 1 year.

    • Workshops

      • If you cancel at least 24 hours before your workshop starts you will receive a credit to your account. 

      • If you cancel less than 24 hours before class, you will not be refunded or receive a credit of any kind.

    • Private Lessons

      • If you cancel at least 24 hours before your private lesson starts you will still keep your private lesson credit.  

      • If you cancel less than 24 hours before your private lesson, you will lose your private lesson credit.

    • Rentals

      • If you cancel at least 24 hours before your rental starts you will still keep your rental credit.  

      • If you cancel less than 24 hours before your rental, you will lose your rental amount and be charged a $20 Late Cancellation fee. 

  • Waitlist: When classes and workshops are full, you can sign up to be on the waitlist. When a student withdraws from the class within the 4 hour cancellation period or 12 hour cancellation period for workshops, the first person on the waitlist will receive an automatic email or text message letting them know a spot in the class has opened up. If you do not accept it within 1 hour, a message will go out to all remaining waitlisters at which point the first person to sign up, receives the spot.  

    • If you join or are placed into a class from the waitlist, you will be subject to the same studio and cancellation policies as any other class you sign up for, so please be prepared to come to the studio and take the class.

    • Please make sure we have a valid email and phone number, so we can easily contact you.

  • Refunds

    • We do not offer refunds (unless we cancel a class due to not meeting class minimums).

    • Unlimited Memberships, Class passes, Intro to Pole Series and Closed Choreos are non-refundable and non-transferrable. Make sure you know the expiration date of purchased class passes/memberships. 

    • For all other purchases, class credit will be retained, so long as you cancel within the cancellation policy window.

Membership Policy

  • All Unlimited Memberships must be secured through our online payment system via Bookee. 

  • Unlimited Memberships can be purchased month to month or as a monthly auto-renew plan that includes a discount.

  • For auto-renew plans:

    • Auto-renew plans receive a discount off of the regular price. 

    • There is a minimum 3 month contract for auto-renew plans.

      • Early termination of contract will result in a cancellation fee equal to the cost of one month's dues.​

    • Your online purchase receipt will have the auto payment/ recurring payment date. This is the date in which the monthly membership cost will be withdrawn from your account.

    • If the auto payment is declined, your account will be frozen and you will not be able to attend any classes until payment is received.

    • A $25 fee will be charged for all declined auto payments.

  • You can start your unlimited class privileges immediately after purchasing an Unlimited Membership.

  • Open Pole privileges are available to all Unlimited Membership holders as well as Open Pole Only Membership holders immediately after purchasing their membership.

  • The no-show/cancellation policy also applies to Unlimited Membership holders. A $10 fee will be accessed if you fail to remove yourself from a scheduled class within the applicable cancellation window. No exceptions.

Private Pole Party Policy

  • All party bookings should contact

  • A $100 non-refundable, non-transferable deposit is due upon booking the party to secure the date and time.

  • Parties booked within 48 hours of the requested party time are subject to an additional $50 non-refundable, non-transferable deposit.

  • Parties booked within 24 hours of the requested party time are subject to an additional $100 non-refundable, non-transferable deposit. PLUS the balance is to be paid in full.

  • Payment must be received from all guests who plan to witness, attend, watch, or accompany the party guest,, even if they do not participate. No exceptions.

Studio Rental Policy

  • All requests for studio rentals should be made via via

  • Studio C can be rented out for $70/hour without use of poles or $60/hour with the use of 5 poles.

  • Studio A can be rented for $85/hour, which includes the use of 5 poles (they cannot be removed)

  • Studios A & B can be rented together for $125/hour, which includes the use of 10 poles (5 in each of studio)

  • If you a renting a studio with poles in place, a waiver must be signed (and received prior to receiving access) from each and every person in attendance, whether they plan to participate, witness, watch, or accompany the primary renter. No exceptions.

Dismissal/Discontinuance Policy

  • The studio reserves the right to cancel the student’s enrollment for any reason. The following are grounds for immediate dismissal:

    • Non-payment or excessive late payment fees despite attempts to contact and invoice reminders.

    • Not observing the rules and policies of the studio.

    • Physical and/or verbal abuse of staff or other students.

Alcohol/Drug/Smoking Policy

  • The Pod has the right to refuse service to anyone who the staff, instructors, and/or management believe are intoxicated, under the influence of illicit drugs, and/or a harm to themselves or others. There are no refunds if someone is unable to attend class because of this. No exceptions.

    • Smoking and the use of e-cigs and other similar devices are not permitted in the studio or building. 

    • Illegal substances are prohibited at all times. 

    • Alcohol consumption is prohibited prior to and during classes where use of poles or physical activities are involved.

Food & Beverage Policy

  • Chewing gum is never allowed in the studio. 

  • Only beverages in a sealed container may be brought into the studio.

  • Outside food is permitted before and after class. The studio also has food and beverage options available for purchase.

Guest/Children/Pet Policy

  • Only active participants, instructors, instructors in training, and staff are permitted to enter the studio when a class is running. We do not allow guests, children or pets in the studio while classes are in session. No Exceptions.

Pre-existing Conditions & Medical Concerns Policy

  • Students are responsible for advising their instructor of any injuries or illnesses that may inhibit or create an obstacle to fully participating in class.

  • Students who are more than 6 months pregnant are not permitted to take pole dance/ fitness, conditioning, or advanced/intermediate choreo classes without a note from their physician.

  • Should you become injured while attending a class at The Pod, you must notify management immediately, fill out an injury report, and provide a written note from a doctor stating that you are cleared before continuing to participate in classes. 

Participant Age Policy

  • Participants must be 18 years of age or older to register and attend any pole class.The only EXCEPTION is our teen specific classes or our yearly kids camp.

 Attire and Shoe Policy

  • Shoes are not permitted in the studio unless they are appropriate dance shoes (non-skid/non-scratch) specifically required for a class. Barefoot and socks are always fine. 

  • For Pole: Nudity is not permitted. Students must be covered in proper attire at all times. Proper attire is: polewear, swimwear, or athletic wear (fitted shorts, sports bras and/or tank tops).

  • For Yoga/Fitness: Please wear fitted shorts or leggings, yoga pants, tanks and/or sports bras.

Class Schedule/Instructor Policy

  • The studio schedule of classes is subject to change at any time.

  • Instructors are subject to change at any time.

  • The studio staff will do everything possible to inform students of these changes in a timely manner.

Intolerance Policy

  • The Pod is a privately owned, inclusive wellness studio.

  • The Pod prohibits discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender, gender expression, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics), genetic information (including family medical history), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, service in the uniformed services, or the intersection of any of these factors.

  • Harassment, threats, hate speech, assaults, bullying, vandalism, and destruction of property will not be tolerated.

  • The Pod is a safe space for ALL individuals. 

Behavior Policy

  • The following behaviors will not be tolerated at The Pod: 

    • Instruction of students by other students

    • Deformation of the character of our instructors and/or the studio

    • Gossiping about other students

    • Class outbursts

    • Interfering with or undermining class instruction and authority

    • Soliciting of personal and business services without prior approval

    • Fraternization/Cliques

    • Social media sabotage

Promotions Policy

  • Although we are a collaborative and mutually supportive community, we respectfully request that all personal business cards, fliers or other promotional material be pre-approved by management before distribution at the studio and only left on display in the designated community boards in the restrooms.

Theft/Vandalism Policy

  • The Pod is not responsible for any valuables left out of the student’s sight while at the studio.

  • The Pod is not responsible for any items left behind at the studio.

  • The Pod is not responsible for any theft or vandalism that occurs to student property, including vehicles, before/during/after participation in classes/events.

Student Referral Program Policy

  • For each person you refer to our studio (who registers and pays for either an Intro to Pole series or an Unlimited Yoga/Fitness membership):

    • You receive: $25 Pod Gift Card to use towards classes/workshops/memberships/merchandise

      • Your referral must enter your name upon registering

    • Your referral receives: $10 Pod Gift Card to use towards classes/workshops/memberships/merchandise

    • Once you refer 10 or more people (who have registered and paid), you receive 50% off one month unlimited membership.


The Pea Pod, LLC DBA The Pod Kona - Holds the right to refuse services if any of the above studio policies are violated. Additionally, you will not be refunded membership dues or packages if there is a breach of policy terms.


© 2019 by THE POD Creative Team 


74-5583 Luhia Street, A2, Kailua-Kona, HI 96740

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