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MISSION STATEMENT: To create a safe space for like-minded people to build community around proactive wellness and inspire that community to live a progressive, joyous, and empowered life.


When you sign up for something at The Pod, you aren't just taking a yoga class, climbing a pole, or getting a massage. You are joining an ohana. As members of this pod family, we are here to unconditionally support one another in all facets of life, in a space of total inclusivity. The following concepts are the heart of our organization and remain at the core of all that we do:


Community: Human connection is one of the primary objectives of our existence. Lack of connection can lead to isolation, depression, loss of meaning, and fear. As such, community is the backbone of our mission. We are here to learn from, share with, and support one another in not only physical wellness, but all aspects of our life’s journey.


Proactive Wellness: We believe that prevention is the best medicine. In making an intentional effort to take care of ourselves, mind, body, and spirit before problems arise, we spend less time being reactive and having to fix things and more time getting to enjoy life by preventing those issues before they begin.


Progress: This life is a journey without a destination. Here at The Pod, we emphasize progress over perfection. We have the constant work of learning/growing, mentally, emotionally, and physically. By meeting ourselves where we are at right now, we provide ourselves the space we need to take pride in our accomplishments (however big or small), build on what we have learned, gain new strengths, and increase our abilities going forward. 


Pure Joy: We believe that curiosity, play, and exploration are the foundations of joy. At The Pod we honor exploration of movement, dance, sensuality, and trying new things that place us outside of our comfort zones.


Empowerment: At The Pod, we honor the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially as it pertains to controlling one's own life/destiny, claiming one's rights, and shedding stigmas and outdated belief systems that hold us back from reaching our fullest potential.


Who We Are



Maive is new to the pole world, but fell in love fast and hard. She has been a lover of dance since an early age and being able to combine that love with feats of strength and acrobatics is a dream come true. 


Maive is also a 500 HR registered yoga instructor. She loves offering yoga classes at the studio that support and enhance your pole journey.


Having a background in theatre and a flair for the dramatic, Maive has found a way to incorporate it into pole and  is keen on getting you into one of her Theatrical Pole Choreos to get you singing, dancing, and sweating to those showtunes.


Maive teaches:

-Beginner Levels


-Theatrical Pole Choreography

-Specialty Classes

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Meg has been perfecting her pole journey for 7 years! Having a background in various movement arts, pole was a wonderful addition to her repertoire. She is constantly working on perfecting those basics! Teaching and encouraging students has become her passion and she leads her classes with high energy!


Meg teaches:

Beginner Levels

Intermediate Levels

Advanced Levels


-Pole Lab

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Lyn is a lover of nature and movement, and enjoys combining the two by dancing in the trees. She started taking classes at Pole Hale to learn new tricks, meet like-minded people, and become more comfortable in her ever changing body. After massage school, studies in kinesiology, and years of sports training Lyn looks forward to continuing her journey in dance and self-love here at Pole Hale as a forever student, instructor, and now owner of Pole Hale.


Lyn teaches:

-Beginner Levels

-Intermediate Levels

-Advanced Levels


-Specialty Classes

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Veda grew up dancing and performing, taking dance classes from ages 6-21 that included hip-hop, contemporary, aerial silks, and even an internship at Broadway Dance Center in NYC. Since starting pole in 2011, she has gotten more in touch with her body and more comfortable with being sensual. Her Liquid Motion training and then teaching Liquid Motion/Movement Sanctuary has really helped with that.


Veda is really passionate about creating community, organizing events such as Saturday in the Studio to highlight other women and bring people together to share their skills and passions.


In addition to poling, Veda has over 15 years experience in the education field (tutoring, rock climbing instruction, belay certification, rappelling/scout certification, outdoor educator, and science education).


Veda teaches:

-Beginner Levels

-Movement Sanctuary


-Specialty Classes

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Marlina loves pole fitness because it incorporates everything she loves: Fitness, Dance, Music & Performance. 

Marlina says “I started Pole Fitness 4 years ago at the age of 61 and found it to be the most challenging yet fun & fulfilling fitness activity I’d ever done!”

Marlina’s background is in fitness, dance and business. She owned and operated a fitness club for over 25 years where she worked as a personal trainer as well as teaching group classes such at Aerobic Dance,  Pilates, Yoga, Spinning and Meditation. 
After her club foray Marlina indulged her love of live music and dance by opening a Jazz Bar that catered to the development of new artists interested in Art, Music & Dance.

Her latest interest / hobby is playing guitar with her professional musician husband. And she recently started a band of her own called Girl Jam. 
Marlina looks forward to many more years of music, dance & fitness!


Marlina teaches:

-Beginner Levels

-Fitness Classes

-50 n' Fly Choreography

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Keelee Jade has been dancing at Pole Hale for 4 years. She began teaching Movement Sanctuary classes in 2023 and loves to get her students rolling around the floor with both exploration and intention. She has also begun teaching 101 classes and loves to introduce new students to this community.


Her goal as an instructor is to help you feel more comfortable in your body by focusing on how the movements feel and quieting that inner critic to let your body move how it wants to.


Outside the studio she loves to be in the ocean, frolic with forest ferns, and write poetry.


Keelee teaches:

-Beginner Levels

-Movement Sanctuary

-Specialty Classes

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Max has been with Pole Hale for the past 5 years as a student. This last year she upgraded to instructor!


Max started her pole journey to enhance body awareness and to become unashamed in her sexuality. Her favorite part of pole is that it has healed her relationship with women. It also allows her see the light in everyone without judgement! The body positivity at the studio is amazing and makes her feel so comfortable in her own skin.


Max's primary hobbies outside of pole are cross training, scuba diving, and being immersed in a fantastic book, but her main hobby is sleeping. 


Max teaches:

-Beginner Levels

-Beginner Choreography

-Specialty Classes

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Snook has been dancing at Pole Hale for over two years. She is passionate about the idea that pole is for every body, no matter the size, shape, or previous fitness experience. Snook loves pole dancing because of the numerous benefits: “I love how pole helped to connect me to my femininity! It helps me to be more creative, expressive, and unlocked a whole new level of confidence that I didn’t know existed!”


Snook teaches:

-Beginner Levels


-Specialty Classes

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